Parenting - It really does take a Village.

Parenting is one of life’s greatest challenges. It requires constant adaptability to the ever changing and growing tiny humans surrounding us. It is also one of the most important responsibilities we have.

Because you never know what your child(ren) might throw at you, It is totally understandable to seek out some extra support in expanding your toolkit.

I work with children and parents of all ages and situations. This includes co-parenting, single parents, foster and adoptive parents, infants, children, teenagers, and how this fits together in the family unit.

Whether you are looking for guidance for just yourself, you and a spouse, or you and a co-parent, we can all work together to find what works best in your situation. I can also look at things with a family systems approach, which involves looking at the entire family unit (including co-parents if applicable) and how everyone works together to create a cohesive and supportive environment for mental wellness for all parties involved.

This includes everything from learning new tools for difficult behaviours, to infant sleep, gentle weaning, having adequate sleep (for everyone involved!), discovering new ways of communication, and simply adding tools to your ever expanding parenting skill set.

Rate: $120 for 1 hour of support